Sarah, Plain and Tall Themes

Sarah, Plain and Tall Themes


In Sarah, Plain and Tall, the Wittings are desperately looking for someone to fill a hole in their family—and they're hoping that a woman named Sarah Wheaton will be the one to make them complete...

The Home

When Sarah joins the Witting family in Sarah, Plain and Tall, she isn't just there to fulfill the role of wife and stepmother—she's there to help them make their little house and farm into a real...


In Sarah, Plain and Tall, Sarah Wheaton is happy to be with the Witting family, but she also misses her own home desperately. When she travels to the prairie to meet Jacob and his kids, she's comin...


Anna and Caleb are completely thrilled that they might be getting a new mother in Sarah, Plain and Tall, but their anticipation also means that they're terrified things might not work out. When Sar...


When Sarah comes to join the Witting family in Sarah, Plain and Tall, it's not a complete walk in the park. After all, she's not going off to marry some prince in a foreign land where she'll live a...


Ah, the pursuit of happiness. In Sarah, Plain and Tall, the Witting family and Sarah Wheaton are both trying out their new relationship to see if they can bring each other happiness in the form of...


A great deal of the suspense in Sarah, Plain and Tall revolves around Sarah's decision to either stay or leave the Witting family. Obviously, there's a lot riding on this particular decision, since...

Man and the Natural World

Sarah, Plain and Tall takes place in the Midwest, and the characters are deeply connected to the natural world and the plains that surround them. Jacob Witting and his children know all about the l...

Contrasting Regions

In Sarah, Plain and Tall, Sarah's constantly comparing where she comes from—a seaside town in Maine—to her new home in the Midwest. The two places are so different that she can't help but miss...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

In Sarah, Plain and Tall, Anna and Caleb aren't the kind of children who long for magical powers or to go to wizarding school. Instead, they just dream of having a mother figure in their lives—on...