Sarah, Plain and Tall Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You don't sing anymore," he said. He said it harshly. Not because he meant to, but because he had been thinking of it for so long. "Why?" he asked more gently. (1.36)

Caleb wants to know why his father never sings anymore. It's pretty self-explanatory to Anna, who realizes that her father has been mourning their mother's death. But if he finds a new wife, he might be happy enough to sing again.

Quote #2

"One thing," I said in the quiet of the room.

"What's that?" asked Papa, looking up.

I put my arm around Caleb.

"Ask her if she sings," I said. (1.52-55)

Anna's happy that her father might be getting married again, but she wants to make sure this new woman in their lives will bring light and joy, not more sadness. She wants to know if Sarah sings.

Quote #3

"What's that?" asked Caleb excitedly, peering over Papa's shoulder. He pointed. "There, written at the bottom of the letter."

Papa read it to himself. Then he smiled, holding up the letter for us to see.

Tell them I sing was all it said. (2.26-28)

To Sarah's credit, she doesn't find Anna's query about her warbling skills bizarre. She just responds simply, putting Anna's mind at ease and helping her to look forward to Sarah's arrival.