Sarah, Plain and Tall Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Did Mama sing every day?" asked Caleb. "Every-single-day?" He sat close to the fire, his chin in his hand. It was dusk, and the dogs lay beside him on the warm hearthstones. (1.1)

The biggest thing that Anna remembers about her birth mother is that she used to sing—and that her singing made their father happy, too. This is a big part of what she misses about having their mother around.

Quote #2

"And Mama handed me to you in the yellow blanket and said…" He waited for me to finish the story. "And said…?"

I sighed. "And Mama, said, 'Isn't he beautiful, Anna?'" (1.15-16)

Caleb doesn't remember everything about his mother, so he has to rely on stories told by Anna and Jacob. He especially likes to hear about how much his mother loved him… even though they just had a brief amount of time together.

Quote #3

We ate Sarah's stew, the late light coming through the windows. Papa had baked bread that was still warm from the fire. "The stew is fine," said Papa.

"Ayuh." Sarah nodded. "The bread, too." (4.18-19)

Even though the Wittings are a bit shy around Sarah when she first comes, it's still nice to sit down and eat dinner as a family. There's nothing as comforting as a home-cooked meal.