Sarah, Plain and Tall Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was hard to think of Caleb as beautiful. It took three whole days for me to love him, sitting in the chair by the fire, Papa washing up the supper dishes, Caleb's tiny hand brushing my cheek. and a smile. It was the smile, I know. (1.24)

Because their mother dies after giving birth to Caleb, it takes Anna a while to actually love the baby. She feels like there's been an unfair trade for a while—like maybe she'd rather keep her mother instead of this brother.

Quote #2

"A scallop," she told us, picking up the shells one by one," a sea clam, an oyster, a razor clam. And a conch shell. If you put it to your ear you can hear the sea." She put it to Caleb's ear, then mine. Papa listened, too. Then Sarah listened once more, with a look so sad and far away that Caleb leaned against me.

"At least Sarah can hear the sea," he whispered. (4.3-4)

From the beginning, it's easy to see what Sarah will miss the most if she moves in with the Witting family. She carries memories of the sea around with her everywhere; it's obviously one of the great loves of her life.

Quote #3

"I wish I could touch a seal right now," said Caleb, his voice soft in the night.

"So do I," said Sarah. She sighed, then she began to sing the summer song again. Far off in a field, a meadowlark sang, too. (4.44-45)

Even the mention of the sea and her old life makes Sarah melancholy. Even the kids can tell how much she longs for the ocean—and how conflicted she is when she's trying to make up her mind about living here.