
Character Role Analysis

Sadima and Hahp

Even though they're both protagonists, Sadima and Hahp are pretty different from each other. Their backgrounds are total opposites: Sadima comes from a poor farming family, while Hahp's family is filthy rich. As a result, Sadima is super self-reliant, while Hahp is helpless in the face of adversity or, well, pretty much anything. But they're both determined to escape from Somiss's clutches in the end, so they've got that in common.

Hahp and Somiss

It's strange to realize this, but Hahp could've turned out to be just like Somiss. They're both the spoiled children of super rich dudes, and they both grew up in luxury and comfort, but didn't get along with their dads.

The difference is that Somiss turned into an egotistical sociopath, while Hahp is just kinda whiny about being misunderstood. Somiss doesn't care whether he hurts people in pursuit of his goals (and he may even enjoy it—ick), while Hahp doesn't like to see people or animals hurt. Maybe this basic personality difference—sadism vs. compassion—is what made them emerge from similar circumstances as unique (and somewhat opposed) individuals.