

Character Role Analysis


Sadima is one of the two protagonists of Skin Hunger because she's one of the two viewpoint characters… but also because we care about her well-being and want to see her succeed. It's a bummer that she feels so isolated in her home community due to her ability to talk to animals, and so we're rooting for her when she goes to the big city to find Franklin; but then when Somiss entraps her into staying with them, we really want her to find a way out. In other words, we feel sympathy for her, and we want her life to be better.


Hahp is our other protagonist. One big clue is that half of the book is told from his perspective in the first-person, which puts us in his head, experiencing his thoughts and feelings right along with him. We feel bad for him when he's shipped off to the academy, and moreover, we believe that he's in the right for wanting to defy the wizards, even if it takes him most of the book to find the courage to do so.