The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Anaïs is the only person I know who snorts in reference to Byron. The rest of the world worships him, myself included. (2.17)

We're on Team Anaïs here—Byron's pretty snort-worthy. (Anybody got a tissue?)

Quote #2

Other times, I would have the craziest notions. Like hoping Mom and Dad would get into a car accident and Byron and I could live together, just the two of us. (7.8)

When Virginia recalls her fondest memories with Byron, they have to do with junk food. Living only with him would mean not being judged… or so she thinks at the beginning, anyway.

Quote #3

That was after my parent's Biannual Byron Brunch. At the beginning of every new semester, they put out a huge bagel spread and invite the whole world—from downstairs neighbors to Connecticut friends to Byron's preschool teacher. (7.14)

The universal, unconditional Byron-worship could be one reason he felt entitled to force himself on Annie. After all, there's no mention of any adults ever telling him no.