The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Chapter 30 Summary

  • A lot has changed at school in the past week, ever since the students found out Mr. Moony died; suddenly people are being nicer to each other.
  • Virginia's started eating lunch with Alyssa, so yay for friends.
  • They've also started going to Times Square after school to watch MTV film Total Request Live and dance in the crowd; Virginia realizes it's kind of awesome to have a booty to shake.
  • She's decided to start a webzine at school and has filled out the forms to make it an official school club; she even stands up at lunch and invites the other students to come to a meeting about it.
  • Froggy says he'll show up and contribute his web design skills, and though he's late to the meeting and Virginia's afraid he won't show up, he totally does.
  • They decide to name the webzine Earthquack.