The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I said that the soda was making my braces cold. As I've read in myriad magazines, women should always call attention to their mouths, as in licking a lollipop or sliding on lip-gloss. (1.24)

Can you even imagine a girl who was constantly putting on lip gloss and licking lollipops? It would be kind of funny if it weren't so wrong.

Quote #2

I'm doing my best imitation of a lover seized by passion. Eyelids heavy, faint upward curve to lips—just like women in movies who always look so orgasmic. But, truth be told, I'm having a complete panic attack. (1.32)

Sometimes awkward girls are sexy, especially if you're an awkward boy. Your real face is way more interesting than a mask, Shmoopers.

Quote #3

Then she launched into one of her rants, something she'd been doing ever since she discovered the feminist rocker Ani DiFranco and stopped shaving her legs. (2.8)

When you align yourself with a word that ends with -ist or -ism, it's often because you're (righteously) angry.