The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"But by the time she gave me It's Perfectly Normal, I'd already gotten my period, been felt up by two boys, and read every sexuality book in her study, all of which went typically" —Anaïs made the quotation marks again—"'unnoticed' by Mom." (2.12)

Virginia's mom drops a book about women's bodies on her daughter's beds and calls it sex education. Girls less smart, curious, and privileged than Anaïs and Virginia could have ended up getting an STD or pregnant.

Quote #2

I just know there's a stout, blond family out there, wondering how they wound up with a beautiful, slim, brown-haired daughter. What they don't realize is that she was meant to bear the name Virginia Shreves and live with her beautiful, slim, brown-haired family in a roomy apartment on Riverside Drive. (3.16)

Ah, the old switched-at-birth. Who hasn't felt that way at some point, whether they look like their parents or not?

Quote #3

Sometimes I wonder if my parents wish they'd stopped at two kids. No one's ever spelled it out, but I think I was a mistake. (3.27)

There are a lot of things Virginia's parents—especially her mom -- don't spell out.