The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But Froggy and I don't score high on the communication front. Especially once we've stuck our tongues into each other's mouths.

I think it's because we're not boyfriend and girlfriend or even friends, for that matter. (1.8-9)

Why would you make out with someone who isn't your friend, especially when you have a feminist sister who's told you time and again not to get busy with a guy who doesn't respect you?

Quote #2

Back when Shannon was here, lunch was no big deal. We'd grab a table in the back and talk and laugh like we were the only people on the planet. But so far this year, it's been a panicky occasion. I never know who I'm going to sit with—or if I'll sit with anyone. (4.2)

Is there anything worse than a high school cafeteria? Not unless it's a junior high cafeteria.

Quote #3

On the far end of the cafeteria, I spot an available seat at a table of girls from my chemistry lab. The only problem is, Froggy Welsh the Fourth and his friends are at a neighboring table. (4.11)

What a bummer that Virginia doesn't think she can say hi to Froggy in front of his friends. Automatically assuming you're a leper to your peers stinks big time. Of course, it's often not true, but Virginia doesn't know that.