The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But I can't help wishing she'd accept me the way I am. And I can't help wondering whether if I were thin, I'd get invited to these fancy dinners as well. (5.67)

As a therapist, Virginia's mom spends all day listening to other kids' inner thoughts, and we'd be willing to bet that at least a few of them have body issues. And yet she doesn't realize that Virginia is going through the same issues and feeling the same need for acceptance.

Quote #2

I mention that there are only 296 days until our lives begin again. (6.56)

Virginia has, in a way, put her life on hold until Shannon gets back. She sees the next 296 days as something she just has to survive—no actual living involved.

Quote #3

In the four days since my appointment with Dr. Love, my entire life has changed. I can already fit two fingers into my normally snug waistband. Before long I'll be sticking an entire fist in there. (9.2)

So much of how Virginia feels about herself, along with how her family feels about her, is tied up in physical appearance. Sometimes a loose waistband can feel like an entire life.