The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Chapter 12 Summary

  • Hey, what about Byron? Why hasn't he called back about that Yankees game?
  • Dad's noticed, too, and he tells Virginia she can't go to Yankee stadium alone, and asks if she has any other friends she can invite.
  • Nice move, Dad.
  • Virginia would love to invite Froggy, and they've been talking more in school lately, but asking him would break the Fat Girl Code of Conduct, so it's a no-go.
  • As Virginia stomps off to her room, the phone rings and her dad answers.
  • He doesn't say much—just a lot of, "I see," and, "Are you sure there hasn't been some mistake?"
  • Virginia thinks someone has died. When she asks what that was about, her dad looks pale.
  • Fast-forward to later that night: Virginia's in her room freaking out.
  • Why? The content of the phone call, of course.
  • Nobody died.
  • As we learn in her email to Shannon, Byron date-raped a girl at Columbia.