The Returning Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The arrow stuck straight up from Jinn's chest; the gray feathers of the fletching danced just a little with the movement of the air. (3.9)

Jinn—Acton's dog—dies and he's completely abandoned. For the most part, we see how people react to Cam after they learn of their loved one's deaths, but for Acton, we actually live through the moment he's abandoned with him. We're not going to sugar coat it: it's rough.

Quote #2

All his, because Mam was dead with his birth, and Da was never coming back. And though he had lain there on that bed, feeling as if he were dying inside for wanting Da, he had not wept for him either. (3.102)

Acton's all alone in the world, and there's nothing he can do about it. As much as the story focuses on what it was like for Cam out in the war, it also shows us what happens to those left behind—and sometimes being the only one left is just as hard as fighting.

Quote #3

"Everyone knows you do not like to be in that house on your own. Come with me— we are both alone— we can learn one another, we can rub along. Surely?" (3.124)

When Corban Farmer invites Acton into his home, it's for him as much as it is for Acton. Being alone is scary and sad, so the two of them find love (or at least comfort) in a hopeless place.