The Returning Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was strange, he thought later, how something he was so sure about could turn around and become another thing altogether. (4.61)

When Ban thinks this about the community's response to Cam, we're reminded that not everyone sees his return the same. For Cam, it's a trip home, and Ban's happy to have a friend around—but the community is skeptical of the wounded soldier. So which is it?

Quote #2

It wasn't that his face had changed, it was that Ban was seeing it differently. He stepped back, and fell. Cam leaped to help him. (4.128)

Finally Ban sees a side of Cam that everyone else sees right away—but the book is careful not to stop there and make Cam out to be the bad guy. He might be injured and emotionally damaged, but he's still capable of helping people.

Quote #3

It was like his memories had two distinct parts. Before the war was all light and gold-glamored, like the Smiling Women in their passing. The war was dark and walled about, and the sword spitting blood and shards of light, and the horrified face behind it. (5.49)

Cam's memories have layers. He doesn't just view life as all dark and twisty now that he's been to war, but at the same time, not everything is coming up roses either. It's as if he's got both positive and negative views of everything in his mind.