The Returning Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Pin was bored with Lords and war. She took a hank of Cam's long hair in each hand. "Giddap!" She snapped the hair-reins. (1.91)

Too bad for Cam his little sis doesn't share everyone else's interest in war. Pin's reaction might seem a little out of place, given that everyone is pushing Cam for war stories, but we totally get it—she wants to move on with their lives already.

Quote #2

They had a look to them, the same look… Was it war that gave them that look, or was it being set adrift by their Lord to find their way home, having left it in the first place to fight for him? (2.56)

Check out how the soldiers are described here. Even the "winners" of a war lose a great deal going off to fight—freedom, family, peace, and lots more. It's important for us to realize that it's not just the Downlanders who are suffering.

Quote #3

"I don't know about the war changing things." It was Mam Coverlast speaking. "But with your gamekeeper setting borders that never used to be, it's hurting our livelihood." (2.79)

Even though people don't want to admit it, the war changed a lot. For starters, Downlanders can't make as much money now that the Uplanders rule and changed up the system.