The Returning Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Yet they did not. That is what I cannot figure," he said, his left hand warm on her ankle.

"Healed me, cared for me, and I their enemy and they mine. But why? Why?" (1.90-91)

Cam tries to come to terms with the fact that the Uplanders didn't have him as a prisoner and just let him leave, even though he was fighting for the other side. He doesn't say it directly, but we can tell he feels guilty about the whole thing.

Quote #2

"What are you hiding?" Bailey Nelsan's da had asked. It wasn't only he who had looked dirty at Cam, and then muttered to his pot-mate. And Cam… Cam had caught Ban staring and Ban had gone red. At the sudden heat in his face he'd turned away. (3.21)

Why does everything think Cam is hiding anything at all? Perhaps it's because they need someone—anyone—to blame for losing their loved ones.

Quote #3

"Dead, dead, dead. Each and all of them. Spear or arrow or sword or disease. What is there to tell?"

There had been a long pause then, while Ban found the nerve to speak. "They do have a right to know."

"If I had never come back— and I nearly did not— who then would they ask?" (4.26-28)

Do you agree with Cam or Ban? Does it matter how people's loved ones died? We can see both of their points, and the book asks you to be the judge.