The Returning Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You listen to your father." Stepmother turned and smiled at her. "When is he ever wrong?" (2.112)

If we had a nickel every time we were told this growing up… let's just say we'd be rich. In a lot of ways, Cam, Pin, Gyaar, and Graceful go through the same stuff we all do. They might be in medieval times, but they still have to put up with their parents always knowing best (or at least claiming they do).

Quote #2

When Da had not come back—when Cam Attling had ridden into the village with the spring, and they had all realized he was the only one coming home—Acton had gone to his house and had stayed curled on Da's bed until Isla Caross's mam had come and made him wash and eat and drink, and had set him to work in his own garden. All his, because Mam was dead with his birth, and Da was never coming back. And though he had lain there on that bed, feeling as if he were dying inside for wanting Da, he had not wept for him either. (3.102)

Poor Acton—he's got no one, and he wants a family. Even though Cam and Graceful's parents can get on their nerves, at least they have parents. Acton reminds that's not the case for everyone after the war.

Quote #3

And so he left them, the safety, the prison of family and friend and village. Through Castle Cross he rode and on, north and away. And that was it—was everything and more and enough. For now. (5.81)

Cam leaves to find answers about his past, but it doesn't come without sacrifice or selfishness (depending on how you look at it). He's got to give up his family in order to find himself, which isn't something they understand.