Boy Meets Boy Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I am a little worried, since the last time I painted there were numbers on the paper telling me which colors to use. I am an ace doodler, but other than that my artistic repertoire is quite limited. (8.48)

Paul is nervous that Noah will think his painting is stupid, but he makes an effort because he likes Noah so much. Take note: this is almost always the right thing to do, especially with a cute boy.

Quote #2

I touch the brush to the paper and try to make it soar in time with the song. I swoop it up, then down, then up again. I am not painting a shape. I am painting the tune. (8.64)

Sometimes finding a new way of looking at something that scares you, or that you're not good at, is like finding a new key to an old door.

Quote #3

He is concentrating on the music now, moving his brush in an arc. He is completely in tune with the trumpet that solos above the beat. His mood reflects indigo. (8.76)

When Paul enters Noah's studio and sees his mood as a color, he's learning to speak Noah's language. He's seeing who Noah really is for the first time.