Boy Meets Boy Chapter 16 Summary


  • When Paul's stressed out, he goes to a place he calls Elsewhere.
  • It's a world of images inside his head, and he uses Erasure's "Always" to get to it.
  • This time though, Elsewhere is different from its usual meditative peacefulness—the colors and shapes and images in Paul's head all come from Noah's brush now.
  • He realizes how hurt Noah is, and that he has to do something to make it right.
  • He also wonders how Noah found out about Kyle, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that he has to try to get his boyfriend back.
  • Paul tries to call Tony, but Tony's mom won't let him talk.
  • At dinner, Paul's parents see how bummed he is and suggest calling "the P-FLAG commandos."
  • PFLAG is Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and in Paul's town, they might as well be the PTA.
  • Paul knows it's a lost cause—nobody's going to be able to talk sense into Tony's parents.
  • He tries to do his homework, but he can't stop thinking about Noah.
  • At 11:00PM he tells his parents he has to go out, and that he'll be back by midnight.
  • His mom says that's fine, as long as he wears the hideous orange reflective vest that will allow cars to see him.
  • Paul loves Noah enough to wear the vest, which is how you know it's really love. He puts it on and heads to Noah's house.