Boy Meets Boy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His parents are extremely religious. It doesn't even matter which religion—they're all the same at a certain point, and few of them want a gay boy cruising around with his friends on a Saturday night. (1.1)

It seems like religion—pick one—is often used as an explanation and justification for homophobia. And yet religion is also used as an argument for tolerance and acceptance. What do you make of this?

Quote #2

A girl has appeared behind him. She is dressed in a lethal combination of pastels. She's young, but she looks like she could be a hostess on the Pillow and Sofa Network. (1.37)

Remember the visual anchors we talked about in the "In a Nutshell" section (if not, hop on over there and then hop right back)? Levithan's description of Claudia's outfit is a perfect example. When someone says "Pillow and Sofa Network," you (or at least we) immediately picture pink or green fabric with a cabbage rose print.

Quote #3

He told me about his school, which was not like my school, and his parents, who were not like my parents. (6.44)

We learn a lot about Tony's parents, but we never learn much about his school. Why do you think Levithan leaves that information out?