Boy Meets Boy Chapter 18 Summary

Dealing with the Club Kids

  • The next morning Paul can't figure out what to wear to school, because all his clothes remind him somehow of people he doesn't want to see. 
  • After discarding the shirts Joni helped him pick out and the pants he wore the night he met Noah, he puts on an ill-fitting green and orange sweater.
  • At school Rip comes up to confirm that the odds were correct: he's ended up alone.
  • Paul tells Rip the betting's not over yet.
  • Rip says Paul has until the Dowager's Dance, then he's calling it and collecting the money.
  • Speaking of the Dowager's Dance, Paul has to chair the meeting, which means being in the same room as Infinite Darlene and Trilby Pope.
  • Also in attendance are Kyle and the Club Kids, neither of whom Paul's thrilled to see.
  • The Club Kids aren't kids who like to go out and have fun—in fact, they're exactly the opposite. They join every club and committee because they think it will look good on their college applications, then fail to do any work because they have too many other obligations.
  • They try to choose a theme for the dance, but nobody can agree on anything until Kyle suggests Death.
  • Trilby Pope hates it, which means Infinite Darlene loves it. 
  • Their friend Amy likes it too, as does a Club Kid named Amber. 
  • Paul likes the idea of using tombstones as part of the décor. It's settled.
  • Kyle sticks around after the meeting to tell Paul he did a good job leading it. 
  • Paul could use a friend, and Noah's nowhere to be found, so he and Kyle walk to class together, not talking about the kiss.