Boy Meets Boy Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"There isn't really a gay scene or a straight scene in our town. They got all mixed up a while back, which I think is for the best." (1.3)

If this is the case, what are Tony's parents doing there? Does their presence imply that the whole world—or at least the whole United States—has become as accepting as Paul's town?

Quote #2

"At first, I thought it was a strange kind of foreplay, but then I realized their grunts were actually insults—queer, f*****, the usual. I wasn't about to take such verbal abuse from strangers – only Joni was allowed to speak to me that way." (2.57)

One thing about Americans that baffles many foreigners is that we show friendship by insulting each other.

Quote #3

He didn't use the word gay and I didn't need him to. It was understood.

If you meet a guy over a search for not one but three David Leavitt books, it's a pretty safe bet.