Boy Meets Boy Chapter 11 Summary

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  • In town Paul goes to the video store, Spiff's Videorama, while Noah goes to get the pizza.
  • Spiff rents old, weird videotapes, which is why most people in Paul's town still have VCRs.
  • And who should be at the video store but Kyle?
  • He corners Paul and apologizes. Turns out he's really sorry he broke Paul's heart.
  • Kyle's holding The Breakfast Club, which they used to watch together.
  • Paul doesn't want to let Kyle off the hook so easily, but he's not as angry as he thought he would be so we tells Kyle he doesn't hate him and that he was just hurt.
  • Noah walks in with the pizza and Kyle realizes Noah and Paul are together.
  • Paul takes The Breakfast Club out of Kyle's hand, saying he needs a movie to rent.
  • Kyle asks if they can talk Monday after school, and Paul says he'll meet Kyle outside the chemistry lab, but just for a minute.
  • Paul and Noah go back to Noah's house and start watching the movie, but every scene makes Paul think of Kyle. 
  • Paul gets up and goes into the kitchen to reheat his pizza and get away from the movie, but Noah follows him and confesses that it's hard for him to watch The Breakfast Club because he used to watch it with Pitt.
  • Paul laughs and says he used to watch it with his ex, but doesn't say Kyle's name, and doesn't tell Noah what happened at the video store.
  • They stay in the kitchen and make lemon squares while Claudia watches the rest of the movie.
  • When it's time for Paul to go home, Noah kisses him goodnight. 
  • Paul leaves happy. He's still thinking about Kyle, but he's thinking more about Noah.