Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Can I ask you something, Pops?"

Henry nodded again.

"Did you keep Mom at home to spite me?" (34.11-13)

All this time, Marty has resented his father for a perceived slight—he thought Henry kept Ethel home instead of in hospice to spite Marty. But really, Henry just did kept Ethel home because he loved her and wanted her near.

Quote #5

All these years, Henry had loved Ethel. He had been a loyal and dedicated husband, but he would walk blocks out of his way to avoid the Panama Hotel and the memory of Keiko. Had he known her belongings were still there […]. (34.27)

Henry knows he's done the right thing by leaving Keiko behind and starting a life with Ethel, but he still feels guilty for causing her any unhappiness or worry. He still wonders what could have been.

Quote #6

He saw her, a look of shock and disappointment on her face that Henry would ever be so disobedient. The look quickly faded to a quiet acceptance, but with it, so much guilt settled on Henry's small shoulders. He rested his head in his hands, ashamed of speaking so loudly in front of his mother. (35.43)

Defying his father is one thing—Henry has never exactly gotten along with him—but seeing how his disobedience hurts and scares his mother causes Henry to feel completely guilty and ashamed.