Lips Touch: Three Times Hatchling, Chapter 2 Summary

Fangs and Love

  • In the meantime, a dude named Mihai is keeping up his surveillance on Esmé. The wolves are sniffing around and have smelled him, but they're not there for him—they're there for Esmé, too.
  • Apparently he's a Druj hunter, but he's not hunting her like all of the other ones are. Instead, he feels weirdly nervous around her. How odd.
  • In the church courtyard, a nun throws some ash at him. Normally this would burn a Druj, but it doesn't hurt Mihai. He's no longer like all the other Druj.
  • He enters a tea shop and the girl who works there tries to flirt with him. He's not interested, though, because he's been waiting fourteen years for someone else. And that someone is Esmé.
  • When he returns to Esmé and Mab's residence, he sees the braids of their long hair hanging from the chandelier and realizes they've fled. This doesn't bother him too much, though; this guy's all about the thrill of the hunt.