Lips Touch: Three Times Hatchling, Chapter 4 Summary


  • As she and her mother sit on the train car, Esmé fiddles with her eye patch; she feels self-conscious and like everyone probably thinks she has a missing eye.
  • Mab says something about how the Queen used to go inside her and look in the mirror through her eyes as if she was Mab. She also talks about how Druj have blue eyes like Esmé's.
  • This freaks Esmé out and she asks if her father is a Druj. Mab tells her that he was a human boy that the Queen chose for Mab, though, and that they were required to obey the Queen and breed together. It wasn't a romantic thing.
  • Mab also tells Esmé that she was only able to escape because she got help from a Druj. She never figured out why he helped her, though.
  • When the train stops, they find a hotel and take a room up in the attic. They burn a novel and spread the ashes around their bed because ashes burn the Druj.
  • Esmé sleeps and dreams about all of the memories that have come to her since her eye changed color. This includes the memory of a kiss, so ooh la la.
  • She wakes up and they're on the move again. As they hurry along the city streets, they can hear the sound of wolves following them. It's obvious these two haven't lost their pursuers after all.
  • They scramble toward the docks and get onto a ship, but the wolves follow. Though they try to slam the door on them, the wolves lunge and push at the door.
  • And then they hear a voice behind them: It's the Druj who helped Mab escape all those years ago—and he's touching Esmé.
  • Instead of being afraid, Esmé is flooded with memories of him and calls him by his name, Mihai. Mihai creates a magical window in the air and pulls them through before the wolves can get to them.