Lips Touch: Three Times Spicy Little Curses Such As These, Chapter 12 Summary

The Ambassador to Hell

  • James and Anamique come back to the real world and get married, though Anamique never says a word again. She doesn't even say her wedding vows aloud for obvious reasons.
  • They eventually have three children. Anamique almost loses her daughter when she lets out a cry during childbirth, but she goes down to Hell to grab the baby back from Vasudev.
  • The only person who hears Anamique's voice regularly is Vasudev, who is annoyed by the fact that he finds her voice charming and hypnotic, which makes it awfully difficult to drive a tough bargain with her.
  • During Anamique's tenure as Ambassador to Hell, many souls are saved because of her charming voice and its hold over Vasudev and Yama. Talk about unintended consequences.