Lips Touch: Three Times Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When Kizzy was a little girl, she had asked once if she could have that knife when her grandmother died, and her grandmother had answered, "Sunshine, I'll need it where I'm going. Get your own damn knife." (1.1.43)

Kizzy's grandmother isn't the kind of old lady who sits around at home watching soap operas and making cookies. No, she's the kind of old lady who has faced down goblins in her lifetime and carries a knife wherever she goes… just in case.

Quote #2

She stared at him, and at the periphery of her vision something glinted. It was the little silver knife, still impaled in the rind of the cheese. Knife, she thought. Her fingers twitched, wanting to reach for it, as some kind of knowing skimmed the glassy surface of her mind. (1.3.71)

As enamored as she is with Jack Husk, Kizzy can't help but think about plunging that little cheese knife deep into his heart. That's because the ghosts in the cemetery are trying to send her a message: They want her to kill him before he can kill her. Too bad she doesn't listen.

Quote #3

If an English soldier had lived through the bloodiest war the world had ever known and made his way half around the planet to fall in love with this particular girl and goad her into fulfilling her curse, well, Vasudev had only that made bastard Chance to thank for it, and he did. (2.7.1)

After all of the gore and death that James has witnessed, it's no wonder that he's ready to fall in love and live out his happily ever after. It's just his bad luck that he ends up falling in love with someone who has the power to kill him with the sound of her voice.