Lips Touch: Three Times Themes

Lips Touch: Three Times Themes


Lips Touch: Three Times is a collection of three short stories that have to do with fairy tale yearnings and teenage girls, so of course love is a huge preoccupation. All of the characters are deal...

Lies and Deceit

Magical beings may have lots of cool powers, but in Lips Touch: Three Times, they often resort to old school tactics of lying and deception in order to get their way. That's certainly the case when...


The stories in Lips Touch: Three Times aren't fluffy fairy tales. Instead, they're dark and often terrifying, with the main characters facing some very real threats. In "Hatchling," the Druj Queen...


With all of the terrifying creatures lurking around in Lips Touch: Three Times, it's no wonder the characters experience some seriously animalistic fear. After all, they're actually being hunted li...


All of the main characters in Lips Touch: Three Times are on the cusp of adulthood, which means that they're all trying to find themselves in some very real ways. Kizzy is trying to distinguish her...

Women and Femininity

All the single ladies in Lips Touch: Three Times—Kizzy, Anamique, and Esmé—take center stage. They're just becoming women, too, so the book explores the complicated and sometimes messy experie...


No one lives forever… except for the Druj in "Hatchling." In the stories collected in Lips Touch: Three Times, the threat of death is a very real thing. Kizzy is in danger because once the goblin...

Memory and the Past

The characters in Lips Touch: Three Times can be quite preoccupied with the past—especially things like mythology, old curses, and past lives. You know, just the normal, run of the mill stuff tha...

The Supernatural

Oh boy… there are probably just as many (if not more) strange and supernatural beings in Lips Touch: Three Times as normal human beings. There are goblins and demons and Druj, and the magical and...


Nothing stays the same, right? This is certainly the case for many of the characters in Lips Touch: Three Times. In fact, all three stories focus on moments of intense personal transformation. For...