Lips Touch: Three Times Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But Kizzy was ripe for goblins, and if anything got her, it would probably be them. Already one had tracked the perfume of her longing past the surly billy goat to peer in her bedroom window. Already it was studying her every move and perfecting its disguise. (1.1.59)

Goblins are sneaky little creatures. They're good at observing Kizzy and learning exactly what she's looking for in her life—and then dressing themselves up to meet all of her desires.

Quote #2

Kizzy knew but she willfully unknew it, and the plangent voices of the dead were lost to the drum of her hot blood and the tingle of her ready lips. She wanted to taste and be tasted. (1.3.73)

The most effective lies are the ones that we tell ourselves. That's certainly the case with Kizzy, who knows on some level that Jack Husk is totally a goblin, but then tells herself this is not the case.

Quote #3

Estella hissed, "Vasudev, this cannot stand. It is all out of proportion!"

"Proportion? But what has proportion to do with anything? That's the beauty of spices little curses such as these, Estella. You never know how they might play out. Don't get high and mighty now. You knew the rules!" (2.11.5-6)

Even though she agreed to carry out the curse, Estella still feels wronged by Vasudev. After all, she thought that saving the children in the earthquake was the better deal—but now Anamique's voice has taken the lives of over sixty victims. Yikes.