Repossessed Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I already knew that I wanted to try one of the little "sins" that comes up the most often. It haunts so many, many souls in some form or fashion that I have always wanted to see why it is so shrouded in excitement and guilt. (3.6)

Here, Kiriel talks to us about masturbation. He tells us that everyone feels guilty over doing it, but it's just normal. So, is guilt part of our own internal feelings about the deed, or are they pushed on us by society? What do you think?

Quote #5

I was curious as to why so many people commit themselves to an exercise program and then quit. And why they then act as if they feel guilty about quitting. And the whole time, they behave as though they're ashamed of their bodies. That whole process has never made sense to me. (3.16)

Been there, done that. It's easy to get caught up in making promises to yourself to exercise or eat better, and never follow through. What we're more interested in here is the fact that Kiriel is surprised over people feeling guilty about doing this. It's in human nature to find our own faults and focus on them.

Quote #6

My function has always been to echo souls' regrets back at them, thus letting them feel the full burden of their shame, guilt, and sorrow. These emotions, in order to be fully experienced, also require the sufferer to know that the sins which caused them are no longer secret, but have been witnessed. (5.2)

Essentially, Kiriel's job is to make souls feel guiltier about their sins. No wonder he needs a vacation. He gets sick of making people take the blame for stuff he doesn't think is a big deal. Who cares if you eat too much or are a little full of yourself? According to Kiriel, those things are normal.