Splendors and Glooms Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She only loves the Others," Clara sobbed. "They c-can't do anything bad because they're dead."

"Listen to me, Clara." Dr. Wintermute took his daughter's hands and squeezed them tightly. "Stop crying and listen. Your mother loves you dearly. She should not have said those things to you." (6.23-24)

Even though Clara is spoiled and doted upon, she still feels like her parents don't love her enough, especially her mother. She's certain her mother loves the dead children more than she'll ever love Clara.

Quote #5

He was ashamed of it, but he often found himself wishing that Charles Augustus had been the twin to survive the cholera. It was his most terrible secret. He loved Clara. He was quite sure he loved her, though he sometimes felt he didn't know her very well. (6.31)

Clara isn't wrong to feel like her parents don't love her in the same way they love her dead siblings—even her father secretly thinks he loved Charles Augustus more. The poor girl can't help but disappoint her parents by surviving instead of her brother.

Quote #6

She patted the dog, feeling the tensed muscles under the silky fur. Ruby had begun life as one of Mrs. Pinchbeck's dogs but had deserted her mistress when Lizzie Rose came to live with Grisini. Ruby was a morbidly sensitive dog, drawn to anyone in distress; Lizzie Rose, grieving for her parents, found comfort in the spaniel's love. In no time at all, the two were inseparable. (8.3)

Lizzie Rose has some serious Disney princess qualities, including her innate goodness and her love for animals. Even dogs follow her around because she's so nice and wonderful to them.