Splendors and Glooms Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Had she known that in his heart, she must always be second to Charles Augustus? It had been true, but was true no longer. If she came back to him, he would find a way to tell her so; he would clasp her tightly and tell her over and over how much he loved her. (12.12)

Clara's father doesn't realize just how much he loves his daughter until she's gone … and then he regrets terribly that he's kept her at arm's length. If only he could get her back, he could start to make amends and be a good father to her.

Quote #8

A thrill ran through her like an electric shock. Why, he loves me, she thought in amazement. The idea was new to her. If anyone had asked her, she would have said that of course her father loved her; good fathers must always love their children. But she had always known how deeply he mourned Charles Augustus. She was the twin who should have died. Now, feeling the tremor in her father's hand, she understood that she was precious to him, and she wanted to weep for joy. (25.8)

Even though this whole situation is horrible and Clara can't even call out to her father, she's still happy to see such palpable love in his eyes. She was never sure before now if he truly loved her, but she is finally confident her dad adores her.

Quote #9

"You do blame me," she contradicted him, "and it's true. I didn't love her in the way I did the others. How could I, when I knew she might be taken away? I bore you five children, Thomas. Five children in eight years—I carried them in sickness and bore them in pain. You don't know what that's like. No man knows. But I loved them, truly I loved them—and then Cholera came, and they were taken from me. All but Clara. I wanted to love her. I tried—I did love her, but then she was taken, too." (40.18)

Mrs. Wintermute doesn't love Clara like she did her other children, but it's not because of anything that Clara has done. She's just afraid to love Clara because she is always thinking of how much it would hurt to lose her little girl and have her only remaining child taken away.