ELA Online: Digital Literacy Connections to English Language Arts

ELA Online: Digital Literacy Connections to English Language Arts Activity: Facebook or Twitter Plot Summary

Instructions for Your Students

Who says Facebook is just for the living? Not us, that's for sure. Because we know that fictional characters love their Facebook drama as much as anyone else. 

That's why today you're going to take the most recent book you read in English class (or the most recent book you read on your own) and tell the story in your own words through Facebook status updates. 

Uh-oh! Did you forget your book? That's okay, we can still make it work. Quick, choose a story you're familiar with, like maybe an Edgar Allan Poe story or a familiar fairy tale.

Step 1: Before you get started, it will help if you have a better idea of what we're asking you to do. Take a look at Shmoop's summary of Hamlet (or familiarize yourself with the story by watching the intro video). Once you have a basic idea of the plot, take a look at what Sarah Schmelling did with it. Here's her text, and here it is again, converted to Facebook format. Fun, right?

Step 2: Now it's your turn. You're going to take the story your brought to class and convert it into a Facebook summary (or a Twitter feed if you prefer—you can get pretty creative with all those hashtags).

Begin by spending the next 10 to 15 minutes brainstorming the major plot points of the story you're working on. What parts of the story should be included in the Facebook summary?

Step 3: Next, choose at least five different characters from your text and create mock status updates or tweets in chronological order of the plot narrative. You should try to cover all of the major plot points you listed in Step 2.

Step 4: When everyone is done with their social media plot summaries, take some time to share your work and see what your classmates came up with. You can do this by printing and posting your social media summaries, sharing them via Google Drive, or giving mini-presentations. Your teacher will let you know what options are open to you.