Sarah, Plain and Tall Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The roses will bloom in early summer," I told Sarah. I looked to see if she knew what I was thinking. Summer was when the wedding would be. Might be. Sarah and Papa's wedding. (4.10)

Anna is determined to see the good signs, like the fact that Sarah is putting up flowers so there will be color in the house when winter comes. But she still feels uncertain and afraid of Sarah's decision.

Quote #5

"It looks high up," he said. "Are you scared, Sarah?"

"Scared? Scared!" exclaimed Sarah. "You bet I'm not scared." (5.18-19)

Sarah's not scared of too much—after all, she's traveled across the country to meet (and possibly marry) a man she doesn't know. Jumping off of a hay dune isn't going to frighten her at all.

Quote #6

Do not miss the hills, Maggie, I thought.

"I miss the sea," said Sarah.

Do not miss the hills. Do not miss the sea. (7.15-17)

When Anna overhears Sarah and Maggie talking about how much they miss their old homes, she's frozen with terror. She doesn't want Maggie to remind Sarah of her hometown and what she's missing out on.