Sarah, Plain and Tall Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Sarah, Plain and Tall? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Sarah run out into the storm to fetch?

Her seashells
Her chickens
Her cat
Her blow dryer
Q. What does Jacob use to make Sarah her very own dune?

Q. What can Sarah hear when she puts her shell collection up to her ear?

Donald Trump's voice
1990s top billboard hits
The sea
Her brother
Q. What does Jacob do when he and Sarah are in the barn during the storm?

He puts his arm around her.
He kisses her.
He proposes marriage.
He gives her another chicken.
Q. What colors are the pencils that Sarah brings home at the end of the book?

Red and gray
Blue, gray, and green
Gold, silver, and bronze
Black and white