The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 6 Summary

  • Matt wakes up and knows he's better; he thinks he must have slept for about a day.
  • The Indian comes in and Matt realizes he's not a weirdo at all—he's dressed in brown leggings like Matt's own dad, and other than a topknot, he's clean-shaven. He smiles at Matt when he sees he's awake.
  • The man introduces himself as "Saknis, family of beaver" (6.5), and Matt tells him his full name: Matthew Hallowell.
  • He doesn't even think of lying to Saknis, and tells him his father left to get his mother; he also thanks him for saving his life.
  • Saknis says they watched him try to get the stupid honey.
  • Matt realizes his hunch was right—someone has been watching him. He's grateful (it's the reason his life was saved), but he's also annoyed by it.
  • Matt tries to get up, but his leg kills when he puts weight on it. Saknis checks it out and tells him his ankle isn't broken and will heal; then he leaves.
  • Matt hobbles to the table and eats the awesome food Saknis left for him: stew and cornbread. Mmm…
  • Saknis returns the next day with a boy he introduces as his grandson, Attean.
  • Attean looks at Matt with zero expression. He's dressed differently than Saknis, wearing only a breechcloth, and his hair is straight and long.
  • Turns out Attean is fourteen, about a year older than Matt.
  • Attean is not a happy camper, and Matt can tell he hates everything in the room. It makes Matt feel dumb, so he stands up.
  • Saknis gives him a crutch, and Matt tries it out, but he needs some practice—he can tell by his eyes that Attean is laughing at him, and he hates it.
  • When the Indians leave, Matt works that crutch until he owns the thing. Now he can get around just fine.
  • Saknis sees that Matt is missing a boot (from the bee flight), and his other one is dying fast, so he gives him some moccasins.
  • Matt tries them on and understands why people have shoe obsessions. Okay, not quite—but he sure likes them.
  • He feels guilty that he's never done anything to thank Saknis except to say thanks, which is lame, so he decides to give him one of the only two books they own—Robinson Crusoe.
  • When he offers it to Saknis, he realizes that Saknis can't read and feels like a major turd.
  • Saknis isn't offended though, and asks if Matt can read. Matt says yes, and then Saknis drops the bomb: He wants Matt to teach Attean to read.
  • Attean is furious about this idea… but he knows better than to disobey his grandfather.
  • Saknis ignores Attean's reaction. He knows that white men have played tricks on Indians in the past because Indians couldn't read their writing, so he's adamant that Attean learn, and he tells Matt that his grandson will come by the next day.