The Sign of the Beaver Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Matt remembered his father's advice. "Good morning," he said respectfully. (6.4)

Thank goodness Matt's dad taught him to show respect to all people. What would have happened if Matt had responded rudely to Saknis?

Quote #2

"It's for you," Matt said. "It's a gift. Please take it." […]

With shame, Matt saw that he was holding [the book] upside down.

He couldn't read. Of course he couldn't. Matt should have known that. (6.33-35)

Awkward. Time to open mouth, insert… book.

Quote #3

"White man make signs on paper, signs Indian not know. Indian put mark on paper to show him friend of white man. Then white man take land. Tell Indian cannot hunt on land. Attean learn to read white man's signs. Attean not give away hunting grounds." (6.50)

For Saknis, education in English is not about conforming to white culture, and instead it means that Attean will be able to preserve his rights as an Indian.