The Sign of the Beaver Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But this silence was different. It coiled around Matt and reached into his stomach to settle there in a hard knot. (1.3)

Ooh… comparing fear to a snake. That really packs a punch, doesn't it? Shudder.

Quote #2

An Indian? Matt felt a curl of alarm against his backbone. He stood waiting, his muscles tense. (3.4)

The Indians become Matt's greatest friends… yet he fears them at first. Why? Because all he has to go on is his prejudice… and, of course, his fear of the unknown. It makes for a pretty scary concoction.

Quote #3

It was only later, when his rage began to die down, that he felt a prickle of fear. Now he had no protection. And no way to get meat. (3.59)

Emotion number one? Anger. Then comes the reality check, and the real problem stares Matt in the face: he's unprotected and without food. Think about how it feels when you realize you left your lunch money on the kitchen table. Now multiply that by a million. Pretty scary, right?