The Sign of the Beaver Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

If only it were not so quiet. (1.3)

Being alone in and of itself isn't so rotten, but the silence… oh, the silence… it can drive anyone bonkers after a while.

Quote #2

"You may lose track of the weeks," he had added. "Easy thing to do when you're alone." (1.7)

Matt thinks his dad is ridiculous for saying this, but later finds out he was right on. Days just kind of blend together sometimes.

Quote #3

He just didn't like the feeling he had sometimes of someone watching him. He couldn't prove it. […] But he couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was there. (1.6)

Even when Matt enjoys being alone, he has this creepy feeling sometimes that he's being watched. And later on, of course, he finds out that people have been watching him. Do you think Saknis would have come out of his hiding place if Matt hadn't been hurt?