The Sign of the Beaver Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Half-conscious, he dreamed that his father was carrying him, and he did not wonder how this could be. (5.7)

Scary (he's delirious) but also sweet (first thought is of his daddy). Matt always trusted in his father to protect him, so it's no wonder he's the first person to pop into Matt's mind.

Quote #2

It was time for his father to be coming. At any moment he might look out and see him walking into the clearing, bringing his mother and Sarah and the new baby. It was strange to think there was a member of the family he had never seen. (11.1)

Do you think Matt's mother will have any more children after they get to the cabin? Or will Matt's family be complete when they all show up?

Quote #3

It must be mighty pleasant, Matt thought to himself, to just hunt and fish all day long and not have any work to do. That wasn't his father's way, and it wouldn't ever be his. (11.6)

Matt looks to his father as an example, just as Attean looks to Saknis. We don't know a lot about his father's character, but moments like this give us a peek into the hard-working man he is.