The Sign of the Beaver Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But there were times when he had a thought he'd like to share with someone. With anyone. (2.10)

Some things are just better when they're shared. Period.

Quote #2

"White man leave you here?"

"Just for a while," Matt told him. "He has gone to get my mother." It did not occur to him to lie to this old man as he had to Ben. (6.8-9)

It's like Matt's gut can sense the difference between Ben and Saknis. Ben acts friendly, but only intends to steal from Matt; Saknis isn't the Big Bird of friendliness, but intends to help and heal Matt. What a great gut.

Quote #3

"Then how? There's no hole at all."

For a moment it seemed that Attean would not bother to answer. Then the Indian shrugged. "Attean show," he said. "Come."

Matt was dumfounded. It was the first sign the Indian had given of—well, of what exactly? He had not sounded friendly. […] Attean was walking across the clearing, and he apparently expected Matt to follow. (9.4-6)

Why does Attean choose to teach Matt his wilderness skills? Is he bored? Fed up with Matt's cluelessness? Or perhaps seeking a friend?