The Sign of the Beaver Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Then once again the Indian was bending over him, holding a wooden spoon against his lips. He swallowed in spite of himself, even when he found it was not food, but some bitter medicine. (5.11)

Why would Saknis choose to help Matt? He doesn't even know him.

Quote #2

Three days later Saknis brought him a pair of moccasins. They were handsome and new, of moosehide, dark and glistening with grease, tied with stout thongs that were long enough to wrap around his ankles. (6.24, 27)

Saknis is not only observant—he's compassionate. And it's because of his compassionate nature that Saknis helps Matt even though he's white. The world could use a few more Saknises, that's for sure.

Quote #3

Attean did not grin back. He stood over the bear, and he began to speak, slowly and solemnly, in his own tongue. He spoke for a long time.

"What were you saying?" Matt demanded when the speaking was over.

"I tell bear I do not want to kill," Attean answered. […] "I ask bear to forgive that I must kill." (15.11-15)

Even though there is a celebration following the killing of the bear, Attean teaches Matt a lesson here. Creatures are not merely playthings to kill for sport, and they deserve respect as co-inhabitants of the Earth. (Shmoop just hugged a very large tree.)