The Sign of the Beaver Man and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He made Matt feel like a fool, sitting with his leg propped up on a stool. Matt steadied himself on his good leg and stood up. (6.21)

Why did Matt feel like a fool? Was it because he looked weak or because his leg reminded him of his silly mistake?

Quote #2

Matt wished he did not have to try it right now, with both of them watching him, but he could see that the man expected it. He managed a few steps, furious at his own clumsiness. (6.22)

Matt can't stand being laughed at—can you blame him? More than that, though, he doesn't seem to like being seen as weak.

Quote #3

He had made a terrible mistake and embarrassed the good man. He had heard once that the one thing an Indian could never forgive was a hurt to his pride. He felt his own face burning. But Saknis did not look embarrassed. (6.35)

Why isn't Saknis embarrassed? Was Matt's information about Indians wrong? Or is Saknis just different than most men?