The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I know I'm lucky to have been switched into such a stellar family. I just wish I made them feel more fortunate to have wound up with me. (3.30)

Virginia's weight could be a result of how insecure she feels in her family. Sometimes fat can be a shield (but not always, so don't go getting all judgmental on your peers).

Quote #5

Dad hates wearing tuxedos, so Mom is always bringing Byron to black-tie events. She used to do the same with Anaïs. I keep hoping mom will invite me one of these days, but she hasn't so far. (5.12)

Even though Byron's gone off to college, Anaïs hasn't assumed his status. She might feel as dissed as Virginia, even though she gets the occasional invitation; after all, there's not even an Annual Anaïs Appetizer.

Quote #6

As much as I think incest is the grossest thing in the world, I'm flattered that someone would actually think Byron and I are enough in the same league to be "hanging out." (7.50)

Hamster Boy is such a hamster. We'd go so far as to say a hamster is too cute an animal for him—he's more like a blob fish. (Look it up at your own risk.)