The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm a little worried that you're going to forget your boring old best friend now that you've found these exciting new people. Well, I hope you know that I won't let you escape that easily. (11.15)

This sounds a little creepy, but fortunately Shannon realizes Virginia's just lonely, not a stalker.

Quote #8

I'm relieved that Shannon isn't getting a boyfriend on top of everything. Even so, it's hard to hear about these great additions to her life. Especially since all I've got is a failed diet and a kink in my lower back from remaining sedentary for the past twenty-nine hours. (14.33)

After Virginia finds out about Byron, she's so depressed she can't get out of bed. When you feel like that, other people's happiness can seem like a slap in the face.

Quote #9

As Alyssa and I settle into some aisle seats, I notice that Brinna Livingston is sitting in Brie's usual Queen Bee spot. To her right is Briar Schwartz, Lady in Waiting #1. To her left is a skinny sophomore named Brittany Felsen (29.11)

How messed up is it that the popular girls have "ladies in waiting"? If you have to wait around for someone to let you be friends with them, they're probably not worth it.