The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

These models will be my Food Police. They'll be my thinspiration. They'll help me reach my body goal. (9.39)

Those models are probably Photoshopped to within an inch of their lives (or thighs), so Virginia's comparing herself to a completely unrealistic standard. Plus, how messed up of a word is "thinspiration"? For those of you who have never heard it, it's a common word on pro-anorexia websites. This is one vocabulary word you're allowed to forget.

Quote #5

I go over to my dresser, scoop up the pile of diet tips I've been collecting, and wedge them into the mirror's frame. That way, whenever I glimpse my reflection, at least I'll be comforted by the fact that I'm doing something about it. (9.88)

This diet isn't about self-care, Shmoopers, it's rooted in self-hate, which is a terrible reason to do anything.

Quote #6

What if for one second I didn't care what people thought of me? What if I weren't so eager to please Mom and Dad? What if I didn't always try to blend in, go with the flow, be the good obedient girl? (18.54)

Usually, the people who are brave enough to do this become much more interesting people. The less you care what people think of you, the more they seem to like you—funny how that works.