The Returning Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What's this, then? My little Pin-sister being a stranger to me?"

"Do you blame her when you're never about?" Da had said.

"I'm about now."

Pin had put her tongue out at him. "You do only come home to fight with Da." (6.92)

Their dad has a point—how can Pin be close to her bro when he's never around? Yet we can't help but feel for the guy, because it's not as though he's been out with his buddies—he was fighting a war, which seem like it's earned him a little slack.

Quote #8

She closed her eyes tight, but she was not thinking of merrows now; she was thinking of Cam. Cam on that last night. Just as they had sat to supper without him, he had come laughing through the door, and it was not just shy she had been with Cam— she had been cross, and he had known it and now he was gone. (6.85)

There's more than enough guilt to go around with this family. Pin feels badly about her brother leaving, even though it wasn't her fault. We'd like to point out that this guilt is probably just a form of anger about everything the war has stolen from their family.

Quote #9

"Miss Graceful… it was war. He did not kill me and he could have. Should have. You do see?" He stared at her with eyes darker than the Uplander Lord's, his hair darker, his skin. More Uplander than any Uplander. (13.267)

When Graceful blames Gyaar for taking Cam's arm, he reminds her of this—all of them do stuff or have stuff done to them that they later regret or can't understand. So if no one is innocent in the war, are they all guilty?