Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hold Me Closer, Necromancer? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Michael say Sam smells like?

Q. "Life's possibilities seem endless" once what event happens?

You raise someone from the dead.
A severed head talks.
You beat Ramon at Potato Hockey.
You learn you're a necromancer.
Q. What's the main thing Douglas says he intends to do if Sam refuses to join him?

Kill his friends and family one by one
Stop eating at Plumpy's
Torture Sam
Tell everyone that Sam is a necromancer
Q. What about Sam is Tia afraid of?

The fact that Douglas is after him
The power inside him
His contact with dead people
That he'll be arrested for Brooke's murder
Q. Sam says he wants to take on Douglas's house as a way of doing what?

Erasing his memories of his captivity
Finding the pukis
Having a secret hideout for him and Ramon
Proving he can do something good with his powers